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Abstract:It is established that the basis of transformations using the Lorentz method is the Rule of Simultaneity, which explains the physical meaning of similar transformations. It is shown that the Lorentz method is applicable for both inertial reference systems (IRF) andnon-inertial reference systems (NRS), regardless of the spee
Abstract:The present paper introduces the conceptual design of a pool-type research reactor facility with a three-circuit cooling system. The advantages of creating a comprehensive cooling system for the research reactor, based on a combination of forced and natural coolant circulation, are substantiated. The use of "dry" cooling to
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores, Víctor Manuel Rangel-Cobián, Rubén Ruelas Lepe
Abstract:This work presents a straightforward trigonometric derivation of two fine-structure constant-based analytical expressions to calculate the hydrogen 21 cm radio wavelength, H21. This expression is transformed into two equations with an energy-frequency interpretation for the Planck constant whose exact numerical value can be obtained.
Abstract:The sterile neutrino contribution to neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay has been first studied within a specific model with the two sterile neutrinos mixed only with the νe flavor state. In the present paper, we assume that in addition to the three conventional light neutrinos there exists only one Majorana neutrino mass
Abstract:This work is based on the topological properties of the solution one-dimensional unsteady gas flow system with constant speed sonic. The paper presents the principle of constructing a mesoscopic analogy-computing device that implements addition and multiplication operations. The fie effect, which is modeled by these operati
Abstract:In this paper, in the absence of forces we show how it is possible calculated the velocity of a moving uniform and rectilinear body without use external benchmarks. This is done using photodetectors that measure the arrival time of light from a point internal source to fixed equal distances inside the body. We also
Abstract:This paper aims to realize the reduction between/among different valid categorical syllogisms and establish a concise formal axiomatic system for categorical syllogistic. Making full use of the tripartite structure of categorical propositions, the symmetry of no and some, the definable relationship between the quantifier al
Abstract:In 1900, Rayleigh put forward a complete expression of blackbody radiation distribution function, but the specific coefficient value was not given. It was not until 1905 that Rayleigh reconsidered the problem of blackbody radiation in the long wave region that he calculated the specific coefficient value, but the coefficien
Abstract:This paper compares the magnetic fields of linearly moving charges with those of orbit ally moving charges. With simple qualitative experiments are shown the structure of the magnetic fields created by these movements. The concept of a pole less magnetic field is introduced, which is created by linear and inertial moving po
Abstract:In his 1905 special relativity paper, Einstein defined clock synchronization occurs when photon transmissions traverse a distance (or rod) with equal time spans in either direction. With a universal photon speed, he discovered clocks on the ends of a rod moving parallel with uniform velocity cannot be synchronized, but cloc